Objective 2: Incorporate EDI into our curriculum and teaching practices

The BMB EDI committee is focusing on the following areas under this objective. Additional suggestions and feedback are always welcome (see contact information on the EDI homepage).

  1. Mandatory TA training in EDI for all graduate students
  2. Clear and transparent reporting procedure for EDI related concerns in regards to course content, student conduct or instructor-student interactions
  3. Increase accessibility and promotion of our undergraduate and graduate programs to attract and support diverse students
  4. EDI consideration for recruitment to graduate school
  5. Create a “how to” documents with advice on navigating undergraduate lab opportunities, applying to graduate school, applying for PDFs, etc.
  6. Incorporate EDI into the next curriculum review
  7. Increased transparency in the Honours Program requirements and program navigation
  8. Leverage the UBC EIO / CTLT resources for inclusive teaching and resources (course design, syllabus, teaching etc).

Relevant Resources