Check back soon for more on Alumni.
An endowment fund, known as the Biochemistry Development Fund, was established in September, 1992. The income from the fund will be used to support our goals in research, education and development. Past donors include faculty, staff, and alumni. Notably the department established the SH Zbarsky Prize given to an outstanding doctoral student each year.
If you would like to donate and help us achieve our goals please contact:
Zaira Khan
Director of Administration
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences
University of British Columbia
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-827-4302
Email: zaira.khan@ubc.ca
Donations are payable to: “The University of British Columbia”. Tax deductible receipts will be issued by UBC Development Office.
THANK YOU to all who have already contributed.