Since its inception in 1950, the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has maintained a vibrant and collaborative environment for multidisciplinary research in areas bridging chemistry and biology.
With state-of-the-art infrastructure and strong support from funding agencies including BCKDF, CFI, CIHR, NSERC, CCSRI, and the MSFHR, our faculty members and associate members have established leading research programs in areas including:
- disease mechanisms related to bacterial pathogenicity, cancer, metabolism and vision
- membrane biology, protein trafficking and secretion
- systems biology, chemical biology and drug development
- structural biology, enzymology and molecular biophysics
- signal transduction, gene expression and regulation of transcription/translation.
See also:
- Faculty (includes Research Faculty, Teaching Faculty, Affiliate Faculty and Adjunct, Associate and Emeriti Faculty).
- Faculty by Research Areas