
Dr. Warren Williams – General Advising
I’m the program director for second year. For questions relating to admissions into Biochemistry, second year advising and advising for BIOC 202, please email me to book an appointment warren.williams@ubc.ca.
For urgent/time sensitive issues, please drop by during my office hours:
Term 1 Tues/Thru 12:30 – 2PM
Term 2 M/W/F 2-3PM
Second Year

Dr. Warren Williams – Second Year Advising
I’m the program director for second year. For questions relating to admissions into Biochemistry, second year advising and advising for BIOC 202, please email me to book an appointment warren.williams@ubc.ca.
For urgent/time sensitive issues, please drop by during my office hours:
Term 1 Tues/Thru 12:30 – 2PM
Term 2 M/W/F 2-3PM
Third Year

Dr. Jason Read – Third Year Advising
*Includes entry to third year.
I’m the program director for third year of the biochemistry majors, honours and combined programs. You can contact me about entry to our programs at the third-year level as well as third year course sections and options. You can reach me at jason.read@ubc.ca with your questions or set up a time to talk.
Fourth Year

Dr. Eden Fussner-Dupas – Fourth Year Advising
I’m here to help Biochemistry 4th year major students navigate your final academic year! If you are having issues enrolling in optional second semester courses, or would like to have an in-person chat about your post-grad transition, please email me to book a one-on-one appointment.
Preferred Contact, email, eden.fussner@ubc.ca or phone (604) 822-8260.
Office Location: Biological Sciences Building, North Wing, room 3119 (behind the staff break room).
Forensic Science

Dr. Michael Krisinger – Forensic Science Advising
Advising on anything concerning the Combined Honours in Biochemistry & Forensic Science Specialization. Questions or concerns can be directed to mike.krisinger@ubc.ca.

Dr. Lindsay Rogers – Honours Advising
Please contact me if you have questions regarding the Honours Biochemistry specialization. I am here to support students wishing to switch into honours and to answer questions regarding the honours program. I also provide advising to Honours Biochemistry students.
Preferred contact: email, lindsay.rogers@ubc.ca or phone (604) 822-0511.
Office location: Biological Sciences Building, North Wing, room 3118 (behind the staff break room).
Graduation Requirements
After reviewing your academic progress, if you have specific questions regarding your degree requirements please contact Dr. Lindsay Rogers.