The UBC Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Student Association (BMB-GSA) represents the voice of graduate students in the Biochemistry Department at UBC. Our main goal is to foster a strong sense of community among graduate students in our department in order to establish an engaging learning and working environment. To this end, we organize a number of social, recreational and academic events all through the year.

All BMB graduate students are encouraged to attend the BMB-GSA monthly meetings. These meetings are designed to plan, delegate and organize the work for upcoming events. If you would like to participate and become more involved with the BMB-GSA or would like more information about upcoming events please contact any members of the committee via e-mail or through the BMB-GSA Facebook page.

Current Executive Members

President: Tess Smith (Strynadka Lab)
Vice-president: Nisha Johal (Parker Lab)
Secretary: Olivier Hinse (Bromme Lab)
Treasurer: Calem Kenward (Strynadka Lab)
Communications Director: James Liu (Chen Lab)
Academic Coordinators: Georgia Cheung (Parker Labs) and Dane Sands (Mayor Lab)
Social Coordinators: Steve Harland (Molday Lab) and Ashim Bhattacharya (Duong Lab)
Wellness Coordinator: Armando Palacios Chaparro (Strynadka Lab)

Upcoming Events

BMB-GSA Monthly Poster Sessions for 2024 and 2025 – LSI 5th Floor Pod

At least 3 labs will present for each poster session. We are inviting all labs in the BMB department to participate. Dates listed below:

January 30, 2025 – Ciernia, Tokuriki, Yip

February 27, 2025 – Greenblatt, Gsponer, Schindler

March 27, 2025 – Mayor, Parker, Subramaniam

April 24, 2025 – Bromme, Foster, Somaskharan, Teves

May 29, 2025 – Cullis, Dedhar, Lim, Measday

September 25, 2025 – Jan, Molday, Mui

October 30, 2025 – Sadowski, Stephenson, Van Petegem

November 27, 2025 – Chen, Duong, Strynadka

Past Events

BMB Paintball: August 7th, 2014