Career Opportunities
Staff and Faculty
All our staff and faculty vacancies are advertised on UBC’s online job listings. In most cases this is the only place we advertise for lab and admin staff, so be sure to check the site on a regular basis. Instructor, Principle Investigator and Research Associate vacancies will also be advertised in industry publications, such as Nature.
Postdoctoral Studies
Although these posts are not usually advertised we are interested in hearing from potential Postdocs. Please email our faculty members to find out about vacancies in their labs. You should include a CV along with the contact information for three references.
Current Postings:
Undergraduate Students
Many undergraduate students work in our labs through the:
Work Study / Work Learn Learn Program
UBC Science Co-op Program
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Some of our faculty will also directly hire students to work in their lab. Since these positions generally are not advertised you need to contact our professors to find out about any opportunities. Making that initial contact can be nerve wracking but UBC’s Careers Service has some tips on contacting faculty members.
Graduate Students
To enter the graduate program you need to submit an application through Graduate Studies. Find out about the application process and entry requirements.
UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.