Scott Covey
Associate Professor of Teaching
Associate Head
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine
McMaster University, 1996, BSc, Biochemistry
McMaster University, 2003, PhD, Biochemistry
Office: Biological Sciences Building, 3049
E-mail: scott.covey@ubc.ca
My primary teaching role is to run the two-4th year laboratory courses Advanced Biochemical Techniques (BIOC 420) and Recombinant DNA Techniques (BIOC 421). The 4th year lab courses focus on developing strong laboratory and experimentation skills. The content of these courses is in constant evolution reflecting the development of new research techniques and approaches. The aim of these courses is to provide students the skills to enter graduate school or a career in research.
Research Interests
My research interests are in the field of metabolism, with a particular focus on the altered metabolic states associated with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Most of my research is aimed at understanding the role of the hormone leptin in influencing metabolic pathways at the organism, cellular and molecular levels.
Comprehensive List
Selected Publications
- Pereira S, Cline DL, Chan M, Chai K, Yoon JS, O’Dwyer SM, Ellis CE, Glavas MM, Webber TD, Baker RK, Erener S, Covey SD, Kieffer TJ Role of myeloid cell leptin signaling in the regulation of glucose metabolism. Sci Rep 11, 18394 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97549-0
- Covey SD An adaptable dry lab for SYBR based RT-qPCR primer design to reinforce concepts in molecular biology and nucleic acids. (2021) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 49, 262-270.
- Pereira S, Cline DL, Glavas MM, Covey SD, Kieffer TJ Tissue-Specific Effects of Leptin on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism. (2021) Endocrine Reviews. 42, 1–28.
- Covey SD Reimagining learning outcomes to teach laboratory courses without a lab. (2020) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 48, 469–470.
- Pereira S, O’Dwyer SM, Webber TD, Baker RK, So V, Ellis CE, Yoon JS, Mojibian M, Glavas MM, Karunakaran S, Clee SM, Covey SD, Kieffer TJ Metabolic effects of leptin receptor knockdown or reconstitution in adipose tissues. (2019) Scientific Reports. 9, 3307-3324.