2018 Michael John Page Postdoctoral Award

Dr. Michael John Page

The Michael John Page Postdoctoral Award, established in 2013, honours the memory of UBC alumnus, Dr. Michael John Page. This award recognizes a postdoctoral fellow who reflects. Dr. Page’s academic excellence and his passion for life.






Dr. Jennifer Grants




Dr. Jennifer Grants a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Karsan’s lab, BC Cancer Agency & CBR will received the 2018 Mike Page Award. Join Jennifer as she presents: “Loss of miR-146a links inflammation, aging, and myeloid malignancy”, on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.

LSC#3 – Life Science Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall



Photos from MJP award ceremony,here.