Title: “Molecular mechanisms of dietary beta-glucan metabolism by prominent human gut symbionts” by Kazune Tamura, Dr. Brumer Lab, University of British Columbia.
Abstract: The composition of the human gut microbiota (HGM), which has many implications for health and disease, is heavily influenced by ingestion of complex polysaccharides (commonly known as “dietary fiber”). Bacteroidetes is a dominant phylum in the HGM that employ an arsenal of Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs) to target a wide range of complex polysaccharides. Beta-glucans are ubiquitous dietary polysaccharides found in cereals, edible fungi, and seaweeds; whose consumption is linked to numerous health benefits. My PhD thesis presents the functional characterization of proteins encoded by PULs that target diverse beta-glucans, with a particular focus on the hydrolase enzymes and binding proteins. Combining biochemistry, enzymology, microbiology, (meta)genomics, and structural biology, I provide holistic understanding of beta-glucan metabolism from the molecular mechanistic level to a broader implication within Bacteroidetes.
Monday, April 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm. Join by Zoom.
Hosted by Dr. Harry Brumer