Gairdner Symposium: Yoshinori Ohsumi and Michael N Hall

Gairdner Symposium: Michael N Hall and Yoshinori Ohsumi, Gairdner 2015 Symposium Vancouver

Monday, October 26, 4-6 pm

Life Science Center, Lecture #2, UBC 2350 Health Sciences Mall

hall.michael.gairdnerMichael N Hall, PhD

Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award, 2015
for his discovery of the nutrient activated protein kinase TOR and elucidation of its central control of cell growth, critical to development and aging and widely implicated in cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular and immune diseases
Professor, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland

Presentation Title: TOR signalling in growth and metabolism
To learn more about Dr. Hall:






ohsumi.yoshinori.gairdnerYoshinori Ohsumi, DSc

Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award, 2015
for pioneering the molecular elucidation of autophagy, an essential intracellular, degradation system and when disordered, is linked to many diseases including neurodegeneration, cancer, and infection” 
Honorary Prof, Dept. of Frontier Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation Title: Lessons from Yeast  – Intracellular recycling system, autophagy
For information about Dr. Ohsumi: