On average students will take two to three years to complete their masters degree.
First Year
- Register for your thesis course (BIOC 549, section 001). In the Summer Session register in BIOC 549, section 941.
- The total credits for completion is 30 credits and BIOC 549 counts for 18 credits.
- The Graduate Coordinator will register you in 2 mandatory Biochemistry courses: BIOC 530 (3 credits) and BIOC 551 (3 credits)
- As part of the BIOC 530 course requirements you attend the BMB seminars and write a brief description of each presentation. To be submitted to Grad Program Coordinator at the end of each term.
- Your first research presentation for BIOC 530 will be schedule in Term 2.
- Take the appropriate lab safety courses. You will obtain room and building access only after safety courses are completed.
- Take Responsible Conduct of Research Course, RCR offered by Faculty of Medicine, usually offered 3 times per academic year.
- Students who wish to complete a masters degree must complete 12 credits of courses in their first two years.
- Discuss course selection with your thesis supervisor. You may take non-Biochemistry courses, if the course complements your research.
- A maximum of 6 credits of senior undergraduate courses, numbering from 300 to 499, may be counted toward the 12 credits requirement for a master’s degree.
- By mid December your should have chosen your supervisory committee and have scheduled your first meeting.
Second Year
- Register for your thesis course (BIOC 549, section 001). In the Summer Session register in BIOC 549, section 941.
- Register for any additional required courses.
- The Graduate Coordinator will register you in the 2nd year of BIOC 530. You are registered in 3 terms and you attend classes for 4 terms.
- During the first term you will present a second seminar in the 530 class.
- At the end of the term 2, by May, you will be given a mark for completing BIOC 530
- Meet with your supervisory committee by December 1st to receive their approval to continue with your research
Subsequent Years
- Register for your thesis course every year, twice per year – Winter Session: September to April (BIOC 549, section 001) and Summer Session: May to August (BIOC 549, section 941).
- If you are in your last term, check with the Graduate Coordinator for registration in the appropriate thesis section.
- You must maintain continuous registration and pay fees for each year or term, as required to maintain full-time graduate student status.
- Gaps in your registration and payment records may be interpreted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies as interruptions in your program and they may alter your award payments accordingly.
- Continue to attend all BIOC 530 seminars and BMBDG Seminars
- Meet with your supervisory committee at least once a year and submit an annual progress report.
- Write up and defend your thesis