How to Apply to the Program

Entry into the Biochemistry Program at the First Year Level

Students cannot enter directly into the Biochemistry Program at the first year level. Entry into the program occurs at the second year level. See UBC Admissions for information on applications for entry into the Faculty of Science.

Entry into the Biochemistry Program at the Second Year Level

After the first year in the Faculty of Science, students complete an online specialization selection process. At minimum, BIOL 121, CHEM 121/123 and MATH 100/101 (or equivalent) must be completed to be eligible for entry into the Biochemistry program at this point. Entry into the program is competitive based on academic average in the first year winter session. In recent years, the academic average required for admission into the second year of the Biohemistry program has varied between 72-76%. For further information please see our advising pages. Dr. Warren Williams is the Advisor responsible for second year admissions.

Entry into the Biochemistry Program at the Third Year Level

Admission to the third year of our program requires, at minimum, the completion of  BIOL 200, BIOC 203 (or BIOL 201/BIOC 202 with a minumum of 76%), and CHEM 203, 213 and 245 (or equivalents). To check on your eligibility and to arrange entry to the program, contact our third year advisor, Dr. Jason Read.

Entry into the Biochemistry Program at the Fourth Year Level

Entry into the program at the fourth year level is handled on an individual basis. Dr. Fussner-Dupas is the Advisor responsible for fourth year admissions.

Entry into Honours Biochemistry or Combined Honours Biochemistry and Chemistry

For entry into the Honours Biochemistry and Combined Honours Biochemistry and Chemistry contact Dr Rogers.