“Metabolomics of sepsis: from metabolic data to clinical diagnosis, triage and mortality prediction”, by Dr. Beata Mickiewicz, candidate for Faculty Position in Department of Biochemistry and BCCHRI.
Despite of an extraordinary development in modern medicine sepsis remains the most
life-threating condition in critically ill patients causing millions of deaths around the world. It has been estimated that mortality rate of sepsis is much higher than the mortality rate resulted from HIV/AIDS, prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. Detecting sepsis at an early stage and rapid initiation of appropriate treatment is crucial and can have a significant impact on patient’s outcome. Therefore, it is of high importance to identify new biomarkers and to advance diagnosis, triage and prognosis of sepsis in clinical settings.
Tuesday, November 7, 2018 at 10:30 am
LSC 1416, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, UBC